Tickets now available for our June & July Colours & Cocktails events!

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Welcome to Bee You Creative Styles!

Your Friendly Local Consignment Clothing & Bookshop!
323 Somerset St. East

Tues-Thus 11-7
Fri-Mon 11-5

Thank you so much for visiting our website, only a fraction only a fraction of our inventory makes it to this website, please visit our shop for a truly amazing selection!
If you're looking to buy something online that you saw in store, we can list online by request. Just reach out to us at 613-301-7314. Thank you for shopping local.

Join us for our next
Colours & Cocktails
After-Hours Event

Sunday, April 6th (Sold Out)
Friday, May 16th - 5-7pm
Friday, June 6th - 5:30-7:30pm
Friday, July 4th - 5:30-7:30pm

Tickets Available Here!

Your personalized journey to understanding your best colours with all of our vintage & thrift styles at your fingertips - it's a treat you don't want to miss!

Drop-offs are now open for Spring/Summer.
Drop-in to consign on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday between 11am-7pm. We will be accepting clothes through February, March and April.

Thank you!

Shop By Category

"I am a great believer in luck, and find the harder I work, the more luck I have."
~ Thomas Jefferson

"Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life."
~ Bill Cunningham
Designer, Fashion Writer, Photographer

"Always have fun with fashion, dress to entertain yourself!"

~ Betsey Johnson

"Some people take fashion very seriously, but... it should be fun!"

Carolina Herrera

"You'll hit gold more often if you simply try out a lot of things."

~ Ira Glass, Author of New Kings of Nonfiction

"Fashion should be a form of escapism, not a form of imprisonment."
Alexander McQueen

"What I find most interesting about fashion, is that it has to reflect our time. You have to witness your own moment."
~ Nicolas Ghesquiere

"You can have anything you want in life, if you dress for it."
Edith Head

"I think {covid} is really giving the industry pause, and I think everybody is rethinking what fashion stands for, what it means, what it should be. It is an opportunity for everyone to slow down, produce less and make the world fall in love all over again with the creativity and passion of fashion, and maybe have less emphasis on things moving so quickly."

~ Anna Wintour, Editor in Chief, Vogue